Tag Archives: jack kerouac

dreaming of travel.

Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry.

– Jack Kerouac

Oh, be still my heart. I have such a fond spot for the ever wonderful Jack Kerouac and his contributions to literature. I often imagine what it would have been like to live in the Beat Generation, adventuring across the U.S with he and Neal Cassady, experiencing things and writing about them. I dream of living on the road for some time in the future, simply writing stories of the people I meet and taking photos of the things I see.

You see, I have a hunger for adventure and discovery. I’ve never been content to stay in one place for too long. I’m fascinated by the fact that we all have stories, and I yearn to go to different places to hear other people’s stories. 

Perhaps one day I shall hit the road with a select few friends and learn more about this world through the eyes of others.

stories and screaming reminders.

You are empowered to remind people that they are utterly free.

– jack kerouac

I stumbled across this quote today, and it made me stop in my tracks. I pondered this simple sentence for a few minutes, marveling at its simple yet powerful truth.

We are all stories. Don’t think otherwise for one second. The people you come across every day are stories. The barista in your favourite coffee shop, the kid who sits next to you in class, the man on the street who begs for your spare change and grace… they are all stories. And our stories are all different, unique, but equal. Just because someone’s story is different than yours does not mean it is irrelevant and unimportant. Don’t be deceived. We have more in common than you think.

You’re probably thinking, “Great, Erin. Now what does that have to do with me and my personal story?”
It has everything to do with you and your story. You were given a story for a reason, though you may not realize it yet. The bumps in the road and the chasms in between are all for a reason. Look at where you are – you’ve made it here and that is what counts. Look behind you for a brief second, think about everything you’ve triumphed through. Think about the pain that has got you to where you all. It all has purpose. Now what can you do with that?

I’ll tell you one thing – you can use that story to inspire others. You can help other people get through their own messiness by showing them that we’re all a little messy. You can be an inspiration. I’ve had a few people tell me that I’ve inspired them through this blog, and they often say, “I wish I could do the same.” But the thing is – you can! Don’t be afraid to let your story shine like a lighthouse, showing people that the safety of the shore is not too far away.