Tag Archives: compassion

lights will guide you home…

I always find myself blogging by the window while it rains, with a cup of tea by my side. There’s something incredibly serene in the sound of raindrops pounding on the roof of my house. I enjoy the rain more than most normal people might to be honest. One time my mother yelled at me for standing out in the rain without an umbrella, getting soaked through. But I didn’t mind. I’m the obnoxious friend who splashes in the puddles as she walks, kicking up water with her feet. Some think rain to be an inconvenience, but I find it refreshing, as it washes the earth over. To me, rain signifies a new beginning. Washing something clean.

Sometimes I wish it would rain in my soul, because God knows that my soul needs a good cleansing. I long for the rain to pummel away all the dirty smudges and icky past regrets and scars on my heart. I wish a simple, gentle rain could wash away all the things I am not very proud of. But unfortunately, things don’t work that way. I must learn to accept these things.

I see people around me wishing the same thing, that their pasts could be obliterated. They long to be ransomed and redeemed from their regrets. They cry out in their own ways, not sure if anyone cares. It breaks my heart to see that because I care very much. I wish I could help others in some way when I see them going through things, but so often I am simply helpless. That kills me on the inside. I hate feeling helpless in any situation. If I could, I’d gather all the bruised, broken people in my arms and let them know that someone cares deeply and genuinely. People really need that. I know I need that sometimes. My own arms are weak at times, my own heart is heavy, my own mind is distracted, and my own wrists are scarred. But they make me who I am and I’n learning to be okay with that. And since I’m accepting who I am, I want to extend compassion and unconditional love to the ones who aren’t really okay with themselves yet. I want to let others know they are never, ever alone – no matter where they are in life. Because the worst thing is feeling like there is no one to turn to. 

…And I will try to fix you.

And I know you felt lonely;
Yeah I know people try to get you down
And all around those laughing faces,
Single you out in the crowd
Oh single you out in the crowd


Sometimes it’s easy to feel alone in life. It’s easy to feel like the world is out to get us – that nothing will ever be right again.

I tried so hard, to help you understand;
To put some hope into your hands
And all the time, you cried and said to me
“Why can’t everything be right?”
Each time I have to put up a fight
And the world keeps on winning,
Oh yeah the world keeps on winning


In a world full of chaos, confusion, and cruelty it’s easy to lose hope. We get so wrapped up in the bad that we forget that we can be the good that helps to change the world. I have a friend who told me that if it weren’t for me deciding to take a chance and introducing myself to them on a whim one day many years ago, they probably wouldn’t be here now. Just one simple act of kindness sparked a friendship that saved someone. Just one smile and one, “Hi! I’m Erin, what’s your name?”.

Never thought that you, that you wouldn’t be here;
Never thought that I would see these tears fall
And all these lonely times I’m feeling without you,
Knowing I don’t have you through it all,
Knowing I don’t have you through it all


Just how different would our world be if everyone took a moment to be kind and smile a little more? What if we all began to think of others before we think of ourselves? What if we put aside our petty indifferences and selfish motives? How many lives would we change? How many lives could we change?

Are you daring enough to be the change that others so desperately need?
